
E-Mail wchang@mail.ntpu.edu.tw
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                                                週五 13:00-16:00


                                美國馬里蘭大學經濟學博士 (1992 - 1997)
美國馬里蘭大學經濟學碩士 (1990 - 1992)
國立中興大學法商學院財稅學系學士 (1984 - 1988)


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  • Chang, Wen-Chun (2024) “Religion, Perceived Unfairness, and Political Protest: Empirical Evidence from East Asian Countries” Political Studies Review, 22(4), 967-984. (SSCI)
  • Chang, Wen-Chun (2023) “Direct Democracy and Party Membership: Testing the Role of Political Efficacy” Political Studies Review, 21(1), 3-20. (SSCI)
  • Chang, Wen-Chun (2022) "Media Use, Political Trust and Attitude toward Direct Democracy: Empirical Evidence from Taiwan" Online Information Review, 46(4), 733-753. (SSCI)
  • Chang, Wen-Chun (2021) "Corruption and Perceived Fairness: Empirical Evidence from East Asian Countries" Journal of East Asian Studies, 21(2), 305-330. (SSCI)
  • Chang, Wen-Chun (2018) "Media Use and Satisfaction with Democracy: Testing the Role of Political Interest" Social Indicators Research, 140(3), 999-1016. (SSCI)
  • Chang, Wen-Chun (2017) “Media Use, Democratic Values, and Political Participation: Empirical Evidence from Taiwan” Japanese Journal of Political Science, 18(3), 385-406. (SSCI)
  • Chang, Wen-Chun (2016) “Culture, Citizenship Norms, and Political Participation: Empirical Evidence from Taiwan” Japanese Journal of Political Science, 17(2), 256-277. (SSCI)
  • Chang, Wen-Chun (2014) “Income, Electoral Turnout, and Partisan Voting in Taiwan” Journal of East Asian Studies, 14, 347-376.(SSCI)
  • Chang, Wen-Chun (2013) “Climbing Up the Social Ladders: Identity, Relative Income, and Subjective Well-Being” Social Indicators Research, 113(1), 513-535. (SSCI)
  • Chang, Wen-Chun (2013) “Family Ties, Living Arrangement, and Marital Satisfaction” Journal of Happiness Studies, 14(1), 215-233. (SSCI).
  • Chang, Wen-Chun (2012) “Eastern Religions and Attitude toward Direct Democracy in Taiwan” Politics and Religion, 5, 555-583. (SSCI, AHCI).
  • Chang, Wen-Chun (2011) “Identity, Gender, and Subjective Well-Being” Review of Social Economy, 69(1), 97-121. (EconLit, IBSS, Scopus)
  • Chang, Wen-Chun (2010) “Religion and Preferences for Redistributive Policies in an East Asian Country: Empirical Evidence from Taiwan” Poverty & Public Policy, Vol. 2, Issue 4, Article 5, 81-109. (EconLit, RePEc, Scopus)
  • Chang, Wen-Chun (2010) “Buddhism, Taoism, Folk Religions and Rebellions: Empirical Evidence from Taiwan” Journal of Asian and African Studies, 45(4), 445-459. (Scopus, IBSS, IPSA, WPSA)
  • Chang, Wen-Chun (2009) “Social Capital and Subjective Happiness in Taiwan” International Journal of Social Economics, 36(8), 844-868. (EconLit, IBSS, Scopus)
  • Chang, Wen-Chun (2009) “Religious Attendance and Subjective Well-Being in an Eastern-Culture Country: Empirical Evidence from Taiwan” Marburg Journal of Religion, 14(1), 1-30. (peer reviewed, indexed in Science of Religion)
  • Chang, Wen-Chun (2007) “Toward Independence or Unification? Political Ideology, Partisan Choice, and Subjective Well-being in Taiwan” Peace Economics, Peace Science, and Public Policy, Vol. 13, No. 2, Article 4, 1-30. (EconLit, Scopus)
  • Chang, Wen-Chun (2006) “Determinants of Religious Giving in an Eastern-Culture Economy: Empirical Evidence from Taiwan.” Review of Religious Research, 47(4), 363-379. (SSCI)
  • Chang, Wen-Chun (2005) “Religious Giving, Non-religious Giving, and After-life Consumption: Empirical Evidence from Taiwan.” The B.E. Journal in Economic Analysis & Policy, Vol.5, No.1 (Topics), Article 13, 1-31. (previously in JEL, EconLit, Scopus; now also in SSCI)
  • Chang, Wen-Chun (2005) “Determinants of Donations: Empirical Evidence from Taiwan.” Developing Economies, 43(2), 217-234. (SSCI)
  • Chang, Wen-Chun (2004) “An Empirical Analysis of Gambling Addiction: Results from the Case of Taiwan.” The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, Vol. 4, No. 1 (Topics), Article 27, 1-15. (previously in JEL, EconLit, Scopus; now also in SSCI)
  • Chang, Wen-Chun (2005) “Imperfect Competition and Common Resource Exploitation: An Analysis of Renewable Resource Management with Non-use Values.” 《經濟研究》,41(1),1-44。(TSSCI)
  • 張文俊、陳瑞玉, (2015) “重分配之主觀偏好: 以臺灣所得稅、遺產稅為例” 《財稅研究》,44(5),124-141。
  • 張文俊、林雅慧, (2013) “所得來源類別與犯罪行為 – 以臺灣1999-2008年縣市資料為例” 《當代財政》,第27期,7-22。
  • 張文俊、張仲韡, (2011) “宗教信仰與租稅逃漏態度:台灣之實證分析” 《當代財政》,第3期,45-60。
  • 張文俊、郭立梅, (2009) “自我認同與生活滿意度之關係 - 以藝術品味為例” 《研究台灣》5,1-41。(具匿名審稿制度)
  • 張文俊、宋明光, (2007) “性別差異與家戶之捐贈行為” 《財稅研究》39(2),56-84。
  • 張文俊、鄒佳穎, (2006) “政府文化藝術補助與私人捐贈關係之研究-以台灣表演藝術團體為例” 《財稅研究》38(4),38-51。
  • 張文俊、劉育晏, (2006) “經濟、政治因素與我國補助款分配之關係” 《財稅研究》 38(2),63-93。
  • 張文俊、陳勇達, (2005) “所得來源與捐贈行為之關係-以台灣地區為例”《財稅研究》 37(1),111-131。
  • 張文俊、丁建元, (2005) “上癮性消費與對劣價財課稅之效果:以台灣地區檳榔消費為例”《財稅研究》37(3),200 -219。


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